Hero Campus Challenge Season 8, an initiative by Hero MotoCorp Limited, is an opportunity for the students to get a peek into the world of Hero and be a part of it, by working on Hero’s real business challenges.These can be either particular problem-based challenges to choose a methodology to identify the top priorities for the organization or scenario planning exercises to settle on Hero’s long-term strategy.
Eligibility Criteria:
Engineering Colleges: B.Tech/B.E./M.E./M.Tech students of all years from all Engineering Colleges are eligible to participate.
B-Schools: Both, first and second-year students pursuing MBA/PGDM programs and 1-year management programs are eligible to apply.
Team Formulation Guidelines:Students must register in a team of 3.
All members of a team should be from the same institute.All the team members need to provide their consent in order to participate in the competition.
A student cannot be a part of more than one team.
Only B-School and Engineering students can participate in HCC Season 8.
There is no restriction on the number of teams from an institute.Once the registration closes, the teams won’t be able to change their team members.
Competition Structure and Details:
Round 1: Online Assessment
All registered teams need to attempt the Online Quiz Round
Every team will get only one opportunity to take the assessment. If you have taken it once anytime during the assessment window, then you won’t be allowed to retake it. Participants will be assessed based on questions on Critical Reasoning, Logical Ability, and Analytics.Teams will be scored on all the questions equally.Participation certificates will be provided to everyone who attempts the test.
Round 2: Idea Elevator Video Pitch Submission
All shortlisted teams from both tracks will be informed about the challenge statements in due time
Teams will be required to submit a 1-slider PPT of their proposed solution in the prescribed format. Teams are also required to submit a 60-90 seconds video describing their idea along with the PPT.Teams must keep in mind the ease of implementation of the solution in the current scenario and NOT consider the futuristic scenarios while working on the case study.All the teams are requested to submit their entries a few hours before the deadline to avoid any last-minute hassle.The teams would be able to view and change their submissions anytime before the submission deadline. Hence, we would recommend the teams to make their submission at the earliest.In case multiple solutions by the same team are selected for the next round, the team will be able to proceed in the competition with only one case of their choice.
Round 3: Virtual PresentationTeams shortlisted for Round 3 (from both tracks) need to submit their detailed presentation before the start of this round.Teams will get an opportunity to present their solutions virtually to the Senior Management of Hero MotoCorp Limited.Each team will get 10 minutes to present and 5 minutes for Q&A (A total of 15 minutes).All the important details will be shared with the shortlisted teams via email.Virtual Mentorship Period-Top 10 Finalists, 5 teams per track, will move ahead for Mentorship and the Grand Finale.Each shortlisted team will be assigned a mentor from Hero MotoCorp’s Senior Leadership for guidance, prior to the Grand Finale. This will also help the teams shape up their final presentations.
Round 4: Grand Finale
The shortlisted teams will be given 10 minutes to present, followed by a 5-minute Q&A round from the panel and audience in the Grand Finale.Winners and Runners-up from both the tracks; Business and Engineering will receive Pre-Placement offers (PPOs) from Hero MotoCorp.
Rewards & Prizes:
Winners: Pre Placement Offers (PPOs) will be rolled out to all the members of the winning team
Finalists: All the members of the teams that qualify for the finals will be given a Pre Placement Interview (PPI) opportunity
Exclusive Opportunity to implement the idea/solution with Hero MotoCorp business leaders
Exclusive mentorship by Hero MotoCorp leaders
Other Awards/Recognitions
Special Award for Diversity Team
Campus Awards for Maximum/Highest registrations and engagements