This Free Certification course by TCS could get you job of your dreams!

 This Free Certification course by TCS could get you job of your dreams!

About this Course

The job market today is fraught with challenges and is more competitive than ever before, requiring youth to put their best foot forward to win. If used smartly, this period can be a self-transformational stage for them. The need of the hour is for youth to be equipped with core employability skills such as communication, collaboration, business etiquette, financial and digital literacy skills to be gainfully employed. TCS iON Career Edge – Young Professional is a free to access 15-day career preparedness course that has been designed with the intent to equip the youth of today with core employability skills to take on the future.

Session Duration: 2 Weeks

Commitment: 7-10 Hours/Week

Language : English

Course Format : Online Self-paced

Who would benefit?

Undergraduates, graduates and postgraduates


Prerequisites : There are no prerequisites for taking this course.


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